
MustHave.Technology provides downloadable products (also called “Server Apps“) for Atlassian Server Products (JIRA, Confluence etc.), which are installed on the client’s IT environment and/or systems. The Server Apps can be identified by the “Server” category in the corresponding Atlassian Marketplace listing.

In the following all data created by an Atlassian Cloud or Server Product end user and stored within the Atlassian Product are defined as Customer Data.

Data Storage

Unless otherwise stated below our Server Apps do not store Customer Data locally, but store Customer Data in the corresponding Atlassian Server Product.

Exceptions applying to all Server Apps:

  • Support Data: Our customers can user report problem functionality which can be triggered in the respective Apps or from the respective Atlassian Marketplace apps listings. If a Server App offers such functionality, it allows you to automatically report the error to our support team. This functionality will collect relevant support data (“Support ZIP”) from the customers’ system and will create a support ticket in our support system on behalf of your users’ email address. This data will be stored in the support system, but also downloaded to our own IT support environment by a member of our support team. The same applies to all data manually sent by the customer itself reporting an error to our support team.
  • Product Analytics Data: Our Server Apps track user behavior to allow better product decisions based on these insights. This includes for example usage of service features such as how often certain features are used and how they are used. This data is anonymized and does not contain any personal information. Therefore, we cannot identify the end user this data relates to. It is exclusively used in order to improve our service.

Data Location

All customer data is stored in the respective Atlassian server products in the customer’s IT environment (product database). In case of Support Data, we use Atlassian JIRA Service Desk product, which stores all data under the general Atlassian Cloud Products terms and conditions.

Access To Customer Data

Generally, we do not contract any subcontractors, but this statement could change during the time, because never say never :). Therefore… Only authorized MustHave.Technology representatives/employees and eventual subcontractors from our support and development team have access to Customer Data. Such eventual subcontractors are contractually bound to the same data security and privacy standards that apply to us.